Monday, October 04, 2010


Actually, I have some friends, colleagues in the office, that is because I have joined to this company interimly, not soon after graduating the university, but changed job.

Today, I went to hang out with some of my colleagues. I have been familiar with them because we took the same training in the same term. And we have talked about many things, including the things related to jobs and not relevant things.

Bur during the time, the topic that we spent more time for discussing is about family. Actually, at there, about 5 of 7 was married, and 2 have children.

Making family, and planning family is very difficult, and depends on the sense of worth of two. And mostly, the sense is similar for each males and females, but they are never shared. The one good thing in this discussion was that I could realize, recognize the sense as female, and as mother.

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