Friday, July 30, 2010


Today, I'm coming to Asakusa for the firework festival of Sumida river.

Before the festival, I went to see Senso-ji, where the favorite gate Kaminari-mon is placed at the entrance. This is the second time for me to come to Asakusa, the first time is school trip when I was an elementary school child.

I don't remember about the first visit at all, but just remember I've been there, I could enjoy this time, eating Imo-yokan at Funawa, one of my favorite Japanese patisserie.

After visiting Asakusa, I went to the Starbucks and watched firework festival with having a cup of soy latte.

Maybe, the firework at Sumida rivet is one of the biggest firework festival in Tokyo, therefore there were so many people that you can hardly walk across the street. But in Starbucks, you can see the firework in so comfortable space without so many people.

I could enjoy everything around Asakusa today.

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