Thursday, September 30, 2010


Sometimes, I memorize things with the visual, such as shape and pattern.

This is useful for the case of memorizing some continuous, patterned things, especially, reading musics.

Now I'm studying kind of laws. There is no pattern, other than the phrasing. Actually, the similar phrasing makes me confused, and misunderstood.

Now, I wonder what is the best method for memorizing these kind of things. Some says that not understanding but memorizing is important. This is one of the things that bothering me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I had one shocked thing today.

That is some of my tasks, and I thought of them as good resulting. But my boss evaluated them as not bad. As for one task, Even there were some troubles before, I could manage that to be well done, I supposed. But my boss assumed that there were some troubles, that is true. My opinion is that I could manage the situation, and others can never prevent the situation and recover.

The other one is one of the report that I make periodically. I assumed my reported was completed, and that was the best report I can make. But my boss assumed that the report is incomplete and higher level report is required.

I have to accept the suggestion as the hope or expectation on myself, but during today, I'd like to be in the disappointed feelings.

Monday, September 27, 2010


There is a little Okinawa neighbor to my house, named Okinawa Shokudo.

That is a small retailing shop dealing foods in Okinawa. Also, you can enjoy dishes in Okinawa there.

Yesterday, I've been to there and had a dinner there. I ordered one dish named Goya salad, salad with bitter cucumber, I imagined.

And when I saw the salad, I realized that Goya salad just contains Goya. It was not so bitter as I have imagined, and the texture was very fresh and fine! I'd like to know how I can remove the bitterness of the Goya.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Coffee or Tea?

Wara, the bakery of rice bread

Today, I'm coming to a bakery dealing rice bread, using rice instead of flour.

This is named Wara.

I have never tried rice bread before. But this time, I tried it and it was so delicious, the texture is a little sticky and so delicious.

In the picture, the bread seems to be kind of Chinese snack, but the taste is as if real flour bread.

Mmh, so happy hour!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away


Today, I'm coming to Kamakura.
There is a small line called Eno-den, from Fujisawa to Kamakura.
I took this line to enjoy this small trip of visiting shrines and temples.
First, I've been to Kotokuin, famous for a huge statue of sitting Buddha. Then I moved to Hase-temple.
After that, I've been to Tsurugaoka-Hachmangu, one of the most famous place in Kamakura.
Then, I've been to Toshimaya, the retailer of Hato-sables, bird shaped sables. Looks so cute!
Everything in Kamakura includes something traditional, but also some modern tastes, so amazing.
Unfortunately, it sometimes rained, but I'd like to come again when it is fine.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hot oil

This is the spicy hot oil, named Ishigaki-jima-rayu, produced in Ishigaki island.
There are many products similar to this, because this oil is absolutely delicious. But the taste was absolutely different; this is more delicious than other similar products.
One of the reason why this is so famous is that the family name of the producer is Pengin, the same sound as penguin in Japanese.
Anyway, it tastes so nice, and this taste matches almost all the foods.
I look forward to using this for the future.


Requesting someone something is quite difficult.

Even if you prepared for the expected questions, there must be unexpected ones.

Also, the feeling of receiving the request can never be imagined until you become the receiver.

The only way that you can try to imagine the reactions is relying someone to review the request.

But the same problem happens when you request reviewing the request.

Like the wild goose chase.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Forte and piano

Sometimes, the indication of the music is misunderstood.

One of them is the meaning of forte and piano.

Sometimes, forte is assumed to be loud sound, and piano is small.

But they are too simplified.

The meaning that usually understood is too simplified; that is just the result.

Forte is the nervous condition as if the sound is to fall and become small, very unstable condition.

On the other hand, piano is the condition that it is to turn to be loud, very sensitive, keen sound.

As a result, forte becomes loud, and piano becomes small, but this is not essential meaning.

We musicians must understand the original, potential meaning of each signs.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Practice, practice, and practice

Today, I'm coming to a trip for practicing.

I'm going to pass two days with the members of orchestra, and practice just two programs. Seems to be crazy, but I like these kind of stoic practice.

After this practice trip, I have a rehearsal of another band for a whole day.

This weekend is satisfied with music.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bitter cucumber

I like bitter cucumber, as known as Goya in Japanese.

Because this vegetable is produced in southern area, you can taste it in the summer, and the best season is that season.

Last summer, I have been to Okinawa, southern part of Japan. Then I tried it many times. And I realized the deliciousness of this vegetable.

On the other hand, in this year, I have tried it just once, and it was the last of summer. This is my regression in this summer.

I hope I can try it for more times next year.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I scarcely have coffee, because it is too stimulus to me. Mostly, I have tea instead of it.

But today, I had some cups of coffee, because I participated a seminar in the afternoon, and talked wit some person who is from another company.

Then, I came to be like drunk feeling. These days, I changed the eating style, as a result, I came to be sensitive to many stimuli.

I think this is good thing that I can feel, realize whether the things I have is good or bad with the counter effect, but even this is good tendency, I don't want to be bad feeling. I wonder what is the best answer for myself now...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today, my PC turned to be broken. When I rebooted the PC from stand by status, it didn't work, any times I try, it stops the booting process.
And I tried any measures I can, bit non of them worked.

Fortunately, I can login with safe mode, also I can see the files from logging in from Mac side.

This time, I realized that working Windows on Mac is very unstable and it can cause many troubles.

Then, I turn to use Mac? This is another business, because all of the softwares that I have is for Windows. I have to consider about the future direction.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Visual memory

Once looking at something, and memory the things in the vision; visual memory may be one of the most useful ability for doing everything.

When I play music, I see the chart at a glance, then play with seeing the forwarding part. This is the essential ability for musicians. They have to see the chart, listen to the surrounding sound, count the rhythm, then feel the beat; so many things we have to do is there.

The ability of memory can be strengthened by practice. That should be the reason why people practice for everything.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Yesterday is historytomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.


Friday, September 10, 2010


I have been to the university that I graduated.

The atmosphere was absolutely calm, and separated from the REAL world, filled with moneymaking.

I cannot say that which is better to be in the IDEAL world, and research some truth, or living in REAL world and earning money.

Anyway, it was true that I spent very comfortable time at there.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

At Yokohama, Birthday of Someone

Today, I spent this night at Yokohama.

One big Ferris Wheel was in front of my room.

It stopped when the time came to be 10pm.

But when it became midnight, the wheel started to rotate slowly.

And after one rotate, it stopped and the calm arrived again.

I considered that some big named person have made the wheel rotate.

The next day, I realized who made the wheel rotate, she had a concert at Yokohama Akarenga next day.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


When you are trying to verify something, the assumption is the most important and this gives you the biggest impact.

Today, I start verification without checking the assumption. As a result, the verification was failed and I couldn't find the answer that I had expected.

The only thing that I could find today was that the assumption was not correct, preferable, nor appropriate.


Sometimes I lost during some technical documents in the office.

It is easy to understand if there is only one meaning for one abbreviation. But sometimes there are various meanings for one word. For example, in the insurance industry, in most cases, CV means cash value, the value of the payment in the case of surrender. But these days, I use CV as Current Value that the value of some securities discounted to current status, especially used during the talk about credit risk.

Even if I study various abbreviations, there are so many ones to know, because there are so many financial products newly created.

This is one of my biggest problems.

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Today, I had a concert of an orchestra.

Actually, I was invited to this orchestra just two weeks ago, thus I have no enough time to practice the charts.

Additionally, the tunes were absolutely difficult, it was consists of the Marriage of Figaro, Piano Concerto by Mozart, and Symphony No. 3 "Scotland" by Mendelssohn.

Almost all the tunes includes fast passages that I have never experienced. Therefore I had to practice every night since I have received the charts.

And finally, I became to be able to play it, and I HAD TO play it because there is no one who plays the Contrabass rather than me.

Fortunately, the concert finished with no significant problem, and I could manage to pa\lay the difficult charts.

I don't dislike the difficult charts, actually, I prefer to play it, but I'd like to practice it for a month, at least...

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Negative Thoughts

Most of the things in the world have two faces, sometimes one is positive and the other is negative.

In most cases, the negative side is stronger than positive one, and things come to be negative side easily. Especially, the mind set in human beings tends to work as that.

The nature always continues to evolute, and adopt to the surroundings. Sometimes, the weaker one is not selected, and disappears.

But in the case of human beings, I realize most of the things don't evolute to the optimum condition. The negative feelings must be deducted from our selves in the procedure of selection.

Then, I realized that the negative feelings are the key of evolution. This makes us feel bad, and we think that we don't want to be that way.

Some scientist says that chimpanzees never think of tomorrow, in the future. And their imagination is very limited. The human beings thinks about now, future and yesterday, then evaluate it and leverage it to ourselves.

It seems to be unnecessary that we have negative feelings, but it may be the most important thing for our evolution, our future.

Friday, September 03, 2010


Today, I had a training for evaluation in the company.

In the training, one of the criteria is "How they manage the talent of theirselves."

At first, I was thought of utilizing talent should be one of the evaluation criteria, but the item indicate MANAGEMENT of the talent is important.

In most cases, management is the most important thing, and the one who can manage anything is useless, just a staff.

We have to manage ourselves, and our talent, this is the obligation for us, as a member of one organization.