Friday, September 14, 2007

post birthday

today, some of my friends had a party for my birthday.

actually, my birthday was 6 days before,

but that day, i had something to do,

so the party was postponed to today.

then, i was taken to the restaurant

in which almost all the menu include garlic!

and the special menu paella,

which cannot be orderd without reservation,

was so delicious that i was fully satisfied.

and then, they gave me some presents.

they were so distict goods,

but one of them was so curious.

it was 屋久杉栽培キット.

with this kit, u can grow up a Yakusugi ceder.

but reading the instruction, there was the phrase below,

it takes 3 or 4 years to grow up one seed to a little tree,

then u can make Bonsai with it

and there was another phrase,

u have to give water everyday,

especially in summer, u have to give two times a day


it seems a long long way that i can see the Bonsai with Yakusugi ceder

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